victor avila | Police Training Instructor

Work experience:
Instructor Avila works to ensure that our Police Officers, Cadets, and employees are both physically and mentally prepared for both the academy, and career. Victor is a large part of both our Police Academy Prep and Youth Academy programs, molding young adults into future law enforcement officers, and has been with Clovis PD since 2023.
“Integrity and professionalism at all times…because you never who is watching your every move.”
“The environment, hard work ethic, high standards, camaraderie, and being the best to serve others reminded me and is similar to my experience in the Marine Corps.”
Email: VictorA@cityofclovis.com
Daisy Bejar | Public Safety Dispatcher

work experience:
PSD Bejar joined our communications team in 2017 and is Public Safety Dispatcher. Before coming to Clovis PD, she worked as a dispatcher for 3 other central San Joaquin valley agencies. PSD Bejar is also a Tactical Dispatcher which assists our SWAT Team, trains new dispatchers, and is on our Recruitment Team.
Why I chose Clovis PD:
“I chose to work at CPD because of their values and how family oriented they are, values that reflect my own.”
My Favorite Quote:
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”- Babe Ruth and “ You have brains your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss”
One movie I’ve seen 5+ times:
“White Chicks”
Email: DaisyB@cityofclovis.com
Nick Bell | Police Officer

work experience:
Officer joined the Clovis Police Department in 2021 and is currently assigned to patrol after spending almost a decade serving our country in the Marine Corps.
One piece of advice for applicants:
“Be persistent, make a plan, and execute it! It is not an easy or short road to earning a spot on this team. Nobody is going to hand anything to you, but if you are willing to put in the work, time, and effort needed then you will be amazed at what a great team this is!”
Why did you join the recruitment team?
“I want to help veterans who want to join our team and serve this great City do so with a minimum of disruption to their families. I transitioned from active duty directly to the police academy and it was tough!”
The best advice i have received:
“Nothing worth doing is ever easy.”
Email: NicholasB@cityofclovis.com
Danielle Beltran | Public Safety Dispatcher

PSD Beltran has been with Clovis PD for 13 years as a Dispatcher. She is also assigned to our Tactical Dispatch Unit, Crime Scene Unit, and Recruitment Team. Danielle also has experience as a certified car seat technician.
One piece of advice for applicants:
“Be honest and truthful”.
Favorite quote:
“Today, is the only day we have today. So today, do what makes you happy.”
Why I chose Clovis PD:
“Growing up in the area, Clovis has always had a reputation of being the best.”
Email: DanielleG@cityofclovis.com
Brandon Blount | Community Service Officer

work experience:
CSO Blount began his career with Clovis PD in 2014 and is assigned to our jail as a jail and transport officer. He assists officers in the booking and transporting process which helps them get back onto patrol as fast as possible.
one movie i have seen 5+ times:
my favorite quote:
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
one piece of advice for applicants:
“Treat everyone with respect and be humble.”
Email: BrandonB@cityofclovis.com
Marcus Burks | Police Officer

work experience:
Officer Burks has been a Police Officer with Clovis PD since 2014 and is currently assigned to patrol. He is a field training officer, drone pilot, drug recognition expert, and is a member of our Crisis Negotiations Team, Recruitment Team, and Honor Guard.
my favorite assignment:
“Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT). Being a part of a small group with special training with the idea that you could possibly save a life by talking someone out of a crisis is exciting to say the least.”
One piece of advice for applicants:
“Be yourself.”
Email: MarcusB@cityofclovis.com
Dayna de Jong | Police Officer

Work Experience:
Officer de Jong has been a Police Officer since 2011. She is currently assigned to Patrol as a K9 handler, working with K9 Mika. Officer de Jong is also a member of our Bomb Squad (EOD Unit), Crime Scene Unit, Bike Unit, and is a former Detective. Before joining Clovis PD, she was an officer with Merced PD, and worked at Fresno PD.
Why I chose clovis pd:
“The department is small enough that everyone knows each other’s names, but large enough that there is plenty of opportunity to advance in your career and work different specialty assignments. The training and equipment at this department is top notch, as are the officers. It is the safest city in the valley and has a great school district which makes it an ideal place to raise a family.”
My favorite assignment:
“K9. I get to patrol city-wide and respond to all the hot/in-progress calls. I also get to work/train with a great group of people who are passionate about they do.”
Email: DaynaD@cityofclovis.com
Emily Eide | Police Officer

work experience:
Officer Eide joined Clovis PD in 2015 when she was hired as a Police Officer. She is assigned to patrol and is also a computer voice stress analyst.
why i chose clovis pd:
“I picked CPD to work at because of their reputation for excellence, training opportunities, and education reimbursement program.”
my favorite quote:
“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” by Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
One movie i’ve seen 5+ times:
“Legally Blonde”
Email: EmilyE@cityofclovis.com
A.J. Ferguson | Police Officer

work experience:
Officer Ferguson came to Clovis PD in 2017 after spending more than 4 years at 2 other law enforcement agencies. He is currently assigned to our traffic division as a motor officer. Officer Ferguson is also a drone pilot, Honor Guard member, a driver and strategic communications instructor, a member of our Recruitment Team, and he investigates major collisions on our Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU).
My favorite thing about the police academy:
“Fellow cadets and the relationships you build.”
Why i chose Clovis PD:
“I love Clovis. It’s like no other place. I grew up in the southeast side of town of Fresno with gang violence, etc. When I moved to Clovis and attended Clovis schools, I realized how awesome the city was. So when the opportunity came up to work here, I was all in. I want to keep the amazing for my kids.”
Email: AntonioF@cityofclovis.com
lane lagaras | community service officer

work experience:
CSO Lagaras began his law enforcement career in 2017 and joined Clovis PD in 2021 as a Community Service Officer. Lane is currently assigned to our jail and handles booking and transport duties. CSO Lagaras is also a Reserve Police Officer, volunteering his time to keep our community safe.
Saving Private Ryan
“To be more involved with the agency an help those who want to pursue a career in law enforcement.”
Email: LaneL@cityofclovis.com
Lovedeep Malhi | Police Officer

work experience:
Officer Malhi became a Clovis PD officer in 2020 after graduating the police academy and is currently assigned as a patrol officer.
Why I chose Clovis PD:
“I only applied to Clovis PD due to the reputation the department has. I spoke with a few friends who are police officers and they all said Clovis PD is the best department to work for the in the area. I trusted their word and I am glad I did.”
My favorite thing about the police academy:
“The comradery and the laughter.”
One piece of advice for applicants:
“Just be yourself!”
Email: LovedeepM@cityofclovis.com
Jacob Mulhern | Police Officer

work experience:
After serving our country for 9 years in the U.S. Army, Officer Mulhern worked as a correctional officer before joining Clovis PD in 2019. He is currently assigned to patrol.
One movie I have seen 5+ times:
“Pretty much every Adam Sandler movie, but I have watched “The Waterboy” countless times.”
“I am extremely fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to work for this department and I wanted to help others while they go through the hiring process.”
One piece of advice for applicants:
“Do not hesitate to ask questions. Anything and everything can become a learning opportunity.”
Email: JacobM@cityofclovis.com
armando negrete | lead Public Safety Dispatcher

work experience:
LPSD Negrete entered law enforcement in 2006 and joined Clovis PD in 2008. Armando promoted to a Lead Public Safety Dispatcher in 2015, and joined our Recruitment Team in 2024. In additional to his dispatch responsibilities, he trains our new dispatchers, has also served as a Tactical Dispatcher for our SWAT Team.
why i chose clovis pd:
“The department is known for very high standards and its committment to serving the public.”
one piece of advice for applicants:
“Be confident in your abilities, but not arrogant. Know the difference between the two.”
Email: ArmandoN@cityofclovis.com
Sean O'Brien | Police Corporal

Work Experience:
Corporal O’Brien has been a Clovis Police Officer since 2013 and is currently assigned to Neighborhood Services. He is also a member of our Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD – Bomb Squad), Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU), and Recruitment Team!
“I went to an academy far from Clovis. I am from the north Bay Area far away from Clovis. I had no ties to Clovis or the surrounding area. I offer a different perspective than most coming from a different place and uprooting and moving to a new city. I have firsthand experience regarding transition and difficulties faced by someone who does not know the area or anyone here. I can attest to how welcoming the department is and how much everyone wants to see you succeed with the department. I’ve made Clovis my home and have no reservation and have never had to second guess myself in the decision I made to work for Clovis.”
Favorite Quote:
There are 2 things you need to know for a successful life and career:
- Never give away everything you know.
Email: SeanO@cityofclovis.com
Abby Padgett | Police Sergeant

work experience:
Sergeant Padgett is currently assigned to Patrol, and has been with our team since 2002! She is also a member of our Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT), Computer Forensics Unit, and our Volunteer Coordinator. Past assignments include Detectives, Youth Services, and Dispatch supervisor.
My Favorite Quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
one piece of advice for applicants:
“Always be honest. No one is perfect! We all make mistakes, but if your integrity is compromised, so is your career.”
One movie I’ve seen 5+ times:
“Clueless…best one liners and I’m guaranteed to laugh every time!”
Email: AbbyP@cityofclovis.com
Anthony Puente | Police Corporal

work experience:
Corporal Puente began his law enforcement career in 2012 with another agency before joining Clovis PD in 2015. He promoted to Police Corporal in 2023 and is assigned to patrol. Corporal Puente is also a SWAT team member, on our Recruitment Team, and is a companion officer, drone pilot, and a range master.
The best of advice i’ve received:
“Slow down and be thorough.”
My favorite assignment:
“My favorite assignment and the most fun I have had in my career has come from being a Detective. We get to conduct surveillance and investigate crimes which eventually will lead us to an operational plan to arrest the suspect.”
Email: AnthonyP@cityofclovis.com
Samantha Rodriguez | Police Officer

Work Experience:
Officer Rodriguez has been with Clovis PD since 2015 and is assigned to Patrol. She is certified as a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), Voice Stress Analyst, is a member of our Digital Forensics Team and a Defensive Tactics instructor!
“The people in this profession make this job fun. I want to work with fun, hardworking people who take pride in serving the citizens of Clovis.”
One piece of advice for applicants:
“Stay open to constructive criticism and look to your partners for help. This job is ever changing and we need to help each other.”
My Favorite Quote:
“Go ahead, tell me I’m not good enough. Tell me I can’t do it, because I will show you over and over again that I can.”
Email: SamanthaR@cityofclovis.com
hannah romias | Police officer

work experience:
Officer Romias started with Clovis PD in 2021 as a Police Officer and is assigned to Patrol, however her law enforcement began in 2018 as a Probation Officer.
The best advice I’ve received:
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You will not know everything immediately, there is a lot to learn in this job. No call is ever the same, so be eager to learn and ask.”
“The quality of people who work here. I knew when I applied, that because of the standards, I’d be working with good people who represent law enforcement well. Also, the reputation of excellent service. Clovis PD takes all crime seriously, which in turn garners excellent community support.”
Email: HannahR@cityofclovis.com
Jesus Santillan | Police Sergeant

Work Experience:
Sergeant Santillan has been with Clovis PD since 2005 and is currently assigned our Hiring & Recruitment supervisor. He is a member of our SWAT Team, and has been assigned to Youth Services, patrol, a Field Training Officer (FTO) and a member of Fresno County’s Adult Compliance Team (ACT).
my Favorite Quote:
“Train hard today, you won’t know what you will ask our body to do tomorrow.”
The reason why i am a recruitment team member:
“I want to be instrumental in hiring the best Officer and staff possible for our Department.”
my Favorite Assignment:
“SWAT. Because it’s very challenging!”
Email: JesusS@cityofclovis.com
Abigail Tiscareno | Community Service Officer

Work Experience:
CSO Tiscareno joined Clovis PD as a Police Explorer as a teenager to gain experience as a volunteer. She got hired as an Animal Services Officer in 2006 and has since transferred to patrol as a Community Service Officers. CSO Tiscareno has experience in patrol, parking enforcement, Records, Dispatch, and as a Court Liaison. She is currently assigned to municipal code enforcement in patrol.
one piece of advice for applicants:
“Always operate from a position of truth. Integrity is such a huge component of law enforcement.”
One movie i’ve seen 5+ times:
“Easy A”.
Favorite quote:
“You adapt. You overcome. You improvise.” (From the movie Heartbreak Ridge
Email: AbigailT@cityofclovis.com
Dan Wilson | Police Officer

work experience:
Officer Wilson began his career with Clovis PD as a part-time Police Cadet assigned to our jail. After being sponsored through the police academy and graduating in 2018, he became a Police Officer. Officer Wilson is currently assigned to Investigations, and is also a member of our SWAT Team, Recruitment Team, Honor Guard, and is a drone pilot and first aid instructor.
My favorite assignment:
“SWAT is my favorite assignment. I enjoy the team camaraderie and being able to polish and build upon the skills you have learned in order to better both yourself and the team.”
Why I chose Clovis PD:
“The department is small enough to be a family, but large enough for opportunity.”
The best advice i’ve received:
“Don’t give others the power to control your emotions.”
Email: DanW@cityofclovis.com
Ty Wood | Police Service Officer

Work Experience:
PSO Wood has been with Clovis PD since 1999 and currently serves as the Public Information Officer (PIO). He has been assigned to Youth Services, Investigations, Animal Services, Patrol, Jail, and Property. PSO Wood is also a member of our Crime Scene Unit, Tactical Dispatch and assists in our communications center.
Favorite Assignment:
“My favorite assignment has been being able to connect with our residents as our Social Media Coordinator & PIO. I enjoy sharing to our residents how we do what we do, and being another source of communication for the Department through social media.”
one piece of advice for applicants:
“Your education is important. Get that college degree!”
Why I Chose Clovis PD:
“I began here as a Police Explorer and was able to see how protected and served Clovis. While that has been so impressive, I chose to stay because how they interact with the community we serve.”
Email: TyW@cityofclovis.com
Zia Yang | Community Service Officer

work experience:
CSO Yang has been with Clovis PD since 2013 as a Community Service Officer. He has been assigned to Investigations and is a field training officer. CSO Yang has experience in patrol, as a certified car seat technician and is a member of our Crime Scene Unit.
My favorite quote:
“We are all one.”
My favorite assignment:
“Patrol. I enjoy investigating and solving crimes.”
one movie i have seen 5+ times:
“Back to the Future I, II and III.”